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Signature 57 Story Signature 57 Story

One of the boldest stories ever written was authored by five different individuals. It was a shocking piece of writing that offered a vision of what life could be and detailed the new rights and responsibilities of those who would live this story in its first moments – and for generations to come. The authors knew that their story was a dynamic epic. No ending was planned.

This story experienced 86 changes in search of perfection. It was written, re-written, argued, shortened, lengthened, and shortened again. Debate ensued. Tempers flared.

But the authors agreed it was a story worth telling. And they knew that it needed to be so compelling that when it was read or heard by others, they too would be willing to risk everything, even their lives, not just to tell the story…but to live it. Ultimately, just 56 individuals believed so strongly in the story that they signed their names to it.

These 56 were the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Stories have power. And at their finest, stories provoke action, define causes, and inspire change. What is your story? Are you telling it in a way that is so powerful and persuasive that 56 people would sign their names to it? Are you telling your story in a way that includes and reflects all who are touched by it? And could your story – as it’s being told today – garner a coveted 57th signature?

These are the questions that Signature 57 encourages our clients to ask – and answer – in our work.

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